Debts Issues in my Birth Chart

लोन का ऑप्शन आसान होने से अब हर व्यक्ति लेता है लोन

घर से लेकर कार तक हर चीज के लिए मिलता है अब लोन।

हर महीने अपनी कमाई से भरनी पड़ती है लोन की किश्त

लेकिन कर्ज पर कर्ज चढ़ते जाए तो यह देता है किसी खतरे की घंटी का संकेत।

ज्योतिष के द्वारा संभव है लोन समस्या का समाधान

ज्योतिष के अनुसार ये उपाय है बेहद कारगार

कर्ज को दूर करने के लिए इन दो पहलुओं पर करें काम।

पहला तो शुरू करें हनुमान जी की पूजन, हरेंगे वह सारे  दुख

दूसरा, तुरंत डॉ विनय बजरंगी से संपर्क साधें।

Read more: कर्मा एस्ट्रो मोबाइल ऐप | ऑनलाइन कुंडली

How Business Astrology Help Us – Kundli Analysis

Everyone gets into the confusing situation of choosing business or a job as career at some point in life. Both of the options have their own pros and cons and it becomes really difficult to zero on your choice. Sometimes job and sometimes business seems more attractive. Astrology may help to come out of such confusing state by analyzing what do the planets in your janam kundli have in store for you? It is a well known fact that we all are born with unique placement of planets that exert their unique influence on each one of us. Not one thing suits to all and our planets decide what would be the best business as kundli for us whether it is a job or business or anything else.   

Business Prediction by Date of Birth       

Your horoscope as processed through your date of birth can successfully tell whether job or business will prove more beneficial for you. To know whether the individual will shine in business or job, the astrologer usually examine the following-

For determining the potential of a person to do a business, the astrologer analyzes the lagna or ascendant. If lagna and its lord are strong, it usually indicates for business as the person finds it difficult to obey the orders of others. Further, it needs more inner strength to carry one’s own business.

The seventh and tenth house is considered to be the houses of business. If the native has more number of planets influencing these two houses then there are chances of the native going for a business. A strong 10th house is a strong indication for success in business.

The sixth house is a house of service or job. A strong 6th house gives a serving and helping nature to a person. So, with a strong 6th house even if a person starts his/her own business, he still has to remain under the service of others. A strong 6th house may give a highly paid job if utilized properly after seeking astrological guidance from an expert.

To start a business venture or some new firm, the person needs to have courage, risk taking capability, farsightedness, and an open mind towards new concepts. It is important to check through the zodiac and moon sign, how much courage a person can show. If he/she is found to be weak then doing a job will be much more beneficial for that person.

The planets Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu are known to give business while others may give a job. Saturn also plays an important role. Saturn is a karmkaraka and if strong takes the native towards business. If supported by the Sun and the Moon, Saturn may turn a person into a business tycoon. On the other hand, a weak Saturn drives the native into a job. He is in a better position to serve others. For this, the strength of the Moon and the Sun need to be checked as well.

Mars if placed in the ninth house in birth chart gives business. Mars casts an aspect at the third house of courage and determination from the 9th house which helps the native to become an entrepreneur. The ninth house is the house of fortune and Mars wishes the native to make his fortune through his courage and risk taking capability.

Can I get success in job as per birth chart?

Whether a person will get success in job will largely depend upon the position of the 6th house and its lord. If 6th house lord is placed in the 2nd or 11th house then the native is sure to earn great wealth through job. The 2nd and 11th houses are known as the houses of wealth and gains. These are responsible for creating dhan yoga in kundli as well. 7th lord making any connections with the houses of wealth give very good gains through the job or service. At the same time, there may be gains in diseases and disputes as well.  So, one should take an astrological consultation to exactly determine what role the sixth house is playing in your life.

Which is best for me job or business as per birth chart?

Get your kundli analysis done and the astrologer with careful study of your birth chart, D-9 and D-10 chart may correctly predict the most suitable option out of job or business for you! 


Which Planet Dasha Affects Business Success

ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार सप्तम भाव है बिजनेस का मुख्य भाव.

ग्रहों का राजकुमार बुध है व्यापार का कारक।

सप्तम भाव, सप्तमेश व बुध की शुभ-अशुभता करती है आपके बिजनेस को प्रभावित।

ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार अगर आपकी कुंडली में हों ये योग.

तो इन ग्रहों की दशा डाल सकती है आपके बिजनेस पर शुभ-अशुभ प्रभाव।

सप्तम भाव में मिथुन व कन्या राशि में बैठे बुध की दशा बिजनेस के लिए होती है बेहद शुभ.

सप्तम भाव में वृषभ या तुला राशि में स्थित शुक्र की दशा व्यापार के लिए है लाभकारी।

सप्तम भाव में उच्च राशि में बैठा शुक्र लगा सकता है आपके बिजनेस में चार-चाँद।

सप्तम भाव, सप्तमेश व बुध पर हो गुरु का प्रभाव तो गुरु की दशा में मिलता है बिजनेस में लाभ.

सप्तम, सप्तमेश व बुध पर हो केतु का प्रभाव तो केतु की दशा में निकल सकता है दिवालिया।

सप्तम भाव, सप्तमेश व बुध पर हो राहु का प्रभाव तो बिजनेस में हो सकता बड़ा आर्थिक नुकसान।

बिजनेस नहीं चलने से हैं परेशान? इन अचूक उपायों से आ जाएगी आपके व्यापार में एक नयी जान | Business Astrology | Horoscope | Kundli

ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार सप्तम भाव है बिजनेस का प्रमुख भाव.

सप्तमेश व व्यापार के कारक बुध व शुक्र की शुभ-अशुभ स्थिति करती है आपके बिजनेस को प्रभावित।

यदि आपकी पत्रिका में व्यापार के कारक बुध व शुक्र हो निर्बली।

तो बिजनेस में सफलता पाने के लिए आज ही करें यह रामबाण उपाय।

मकान की उत्तर दिशा में तुलसी वृक्ष लगाकर उस पर रोजाना जल चढ़ाएं।

किन्नरों का सदैव सम्मान करें व उन्हें हरी वस्तुओं का दान करें।  

आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर पढ़ने वाले गरीब बच्चों की करें गुप्त रूप से सहायता।

श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण जी की रोजाना करें पूजा-अर्चना।

श्री विष्णु सहस्त्रनाम का रोजाना करें एक पाठ. 

बिजनेस में असफलता के ज्योतिषीय कारण और समाधान

बिजनेस में विफलता के लिए ज्योतिषीय समाधान

कुंडली विश्लेषण

बिजनेस में नहीं मिल रही सफलता तो ज्योतिष अनुसार आजमाएं ये उपाय

ज्योतिष के अनुसार व्यवसाय का चयन

ज्योतिष की सहायता से बिजनेस पार्टनर का चयन

फैमिली बिजनेस करने का योग

Business Naming Astrology Report Online | Kundli Analysis

बिजनेस की सफलता में राशि  निभाता है अहम किरदार।

हर व्यक्ति एक विशेष राशि में जन्म लेता है और वह उसके भविष्य को भी प्रभावित करता है।

सभी बिजनेस करने वाले लोगों को गुजरना पड़ा है इस पड़ाव से

उन्होंने लिया ज्योतिष का साथ, इसलिए मिला सफलता का हाथ

आपके बिजनेस का नाम भी आपके नाम जितना है महत्वपूर्ण

ज्योतिष के अनुसार नाम रखने से बिजनेस में सफलता के बढ़ सकते हैं आसार।

राशि के अनुसार बिजनेस नाम रखने से मिल सकती है अपार सफलता

राशि के साथ जन्म तिथि आधारित नाम देता है सफलता की फुल गॉरंटी।

कुंडली विश्लेषण के लिए संपर्क करें

Business Failure Astrology

बार-बार मेहनत के बाद भी नहीं मिल पा रही है सफलता,

तो आजमा सकते हैं ये ज्योतिष उपाय

हर व्यक्ति के जीवन में है सफलता का अलग महत्व

यदि आप अपने बिजनेस या कार्यों में सफलता के इच्छुक हैं, तो करें ये उपाय

नियमित रूप से सूर्य देव की पूजा करें

रविवार के दिन सूर्य देव को तांबे की कोई वस्तु, गुड़ और गेहूं दान करें।

किसी विशेष कार्य के लिए घर से निकलने से पहले ’श्री गणेशाय नमः’ का करें जाप

ऐसा करने से आप पहुंच जाएंगे अपने लक्ष्य के पास

जानना चाहते हैं बिजनेस में अन्य सफलता के राज,

डिस्क्रिप्शन बॉक्स में मौजूद लिंक पर करें क्लिक।

व्यापार में असफलता के कारण

What Astrology Says About Your Success in Family Business

Planetary confluences and your business acumen are the much-required basic combinations your family business to succeed.   It is not wise to adhere to the family business just because your ancestors were at it. Their skills may be outdated in the present context. Certain houses in the horoscope predict if success is going to fall on your lap or not. The family business cannot be carried out with just acumen, common sense, and pragmatism.  We require celestial blessings from planets that signify the businesses we want to pursue.  Astrological guidance has been incorporated, applied, and proved to be last resort to a business aspirant that wants to continue business line of the family. Certain planetary combinations in the natives chart help him succeed. How to do inheritance business is something that needs to be learnt with utmost care.  


Let us take a glimpse at certain planetary combinations for the family business.  A well-fortified and strong second house in the chart bestows capacity for the native to elevate the family status, power, and wealth to a higher level. In case the native is adopted/ staying separated from the actual family, the 9th house, and the position of Venus should also be checked. An afflicted Venus does not augur well for the native to be in family business. The third house, and mercury and mars must be checked to see if the native possesses business compatibility with brothers/sisters or not. If the fourth house is malefically aspected and associated with the 6th,8th and 12th houses, family business spearheaded by the native will not see progress. The fifth house and Sun should be in a strong position to allow the native to elevate the family business to heights. 9th house, well aspected and occupied, gives a go ahead signal for trying parental business as per birth chart.  Let us now learn how a native can succeed in business.


Firstly, we need to calculate the native’s chances for success in the business. The 10th house stands for profession, the 2nd house for wealth, the 7th house rules partnership and 11th house takes care of gains. Ascendant lord should be well fortified for making any business-oriented decisions and for that dollop of courage to save you just in time from any unexpected situation. So, when strong ascendant lord has benefic association with the lord of tenth, eleventh, and the second, the native will succeed phenomenally in his own venture.

Now talking about family business, one should have a well-placed 9th lord that is associated with a strong 10th or the 11th house to be able to continue the inherited business.  If the ninth lord is associated with a weak 11th or 6th lord, success in family business cannot be expected and it would not thrive under this native’s authority.  

Read more about: Business Horoscope by Best Business

For the family business to thrive, you should consider the houses below as well.

If Lagna and 9th are connected, it shows luck, and the heir would follow his father’s route to business success. If second and ninth are connected, the native earns through fathers help or with his own mettle. If the first, second, seventh, ninth and eleventh house are connected, the native would earn well through family business. If the tenth house is related in any way to the above written combinations, it indicates gain of status. Above indicated, are the planetary combinations for family business.


On the other hand, in fact, success to the business throne, for an heir is not a smooth process. Sometimes, the heir would be unwilling to carry on the parental business. Some parents, however, would not wish to pressurize their children to listen to them.  Children should be hired in the parental business in a suitable position to let them learn the tricks of the trade and gain exposure and experience. Sometimes the father may be at loggerheads with the son regarding family business.  Cousins may come in at the wrong time, and fight for their claims on the inherited property. Daughters claiming the property is not to be ruled out.  So is the litigation issue that crops up with every inheritance episode. King sized egos may come in the way of a smooth communication between father and son. There may be brothers claiming to take charge of the family business based on their rights to the property. The ropes of the Inheritance business must be learnt and mastered to succeed in it. A proper Kundli analysis done by an expert Vedic astrologer would help understand and sort out these issues satisfactorily.

Source Link:

What is the Significance of 5th House in Vedic Astrology

 Vedic astrology has divided horoscopes into 12 houses, representing a certain aspect of life. Talking about the 5th house in horoscopes, it is regarded as the house of pleasure and joy. There are many aspects of 5th house that influence a native and his/her life.

In this article, Dr. Vinay Bajrangi shares the Significance of 5th House in Vedic astrology knowing that you can understand its value and significance in one’s life.

An overview to 5th house in Kundali –

A trine house of horoscope, 5th house signifies the Purva Punya Sthana – that is praiseworthy acts of a person in his/her last birth. Games of luck like gambling, cards, lottery, shares, betting, puzzles, stocks etc. revolve around this house. Stomach is the body part which has a relationship with 5th house. The influence of good effect in the 5th house makes a person feel contented, creative and satisfied with life. In addition, the 5th house also has a connection with one’s mind.

Fifth House in Kundali & Its role in Vedic Astrology –

 The relation of 5th house in horoscope is quite deep as they imply love, romance, kids and creativity. This house is concentrated around a person’s pleasure, which often comes out of a creativity one is involved in.

Read more about: Important House in Horoscope

Astrologers relate this house with the luck or fortune of a person. Analysing planets placed in 5th house helps telling how lucky you would be in games of luck like lottery or betting. This house also concentrates on love affairs or matters of the heart. By reviewing the planets and zodiac signs in this house, astrologers can better guide a person towards these matters.

Child birth is nothing less than a creative and prized phase of everyone’s life. The focus of the 5th house is surrounded around pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, concentrating on this house, the astrologers can answer your question about pregnancy and conceiving a baby etc.

This house has a deep relation with art, creativity, fancies, talents, and even assets received by luck, specifically by wife or business partner. It also talks about sports, entertainment, and interesting stuff of pleasure to native.

Basic aspects of 5th House in the horoscope –

With Putra Bhava – Vedic name – 5th house blesses the native with the happiness of having kids. Ruled by the Sun with the Zodiac sign of Leo, this house lightens up the zeal towards creativity and love and romance in the person. The effect of this house triggers body parts like the pancreas, spine, stomach, lower and upper back.

The most influencing activities by this house are teaching, learning, creative activities, interest in astrology, romancing with your partner, etc.

Different planets and their effects in 5th house in Kundali –

Sun’s effect in 5th house – makes a brilliant placement as it boosts the creative zeal and thinking of the native. The influenced native finds interest in creative writing, art, drama, and spots. It also ignites a feeling of ego and hence generates over-confidence. The strong effect of the Sun in fifth house triggers a bright career for the person. On the contrary, a weak Sun means a poor and stressful life.

Moon’s effect in the 5th house – leads the native inclined towards children, love and romance, income from investment, and monetary gain. Creativity reaches a sheer high with the strong moon in this house. However, the afflicted moon dumps the positive outcomes and turns native to stress child’s studies.

Jupiter’s effect in the 5th house – develops a fondness to share wisdom with others. It is a great combination indicating gain of wealth, make a good career and investments.

Venus’s effect in 5th house – The combination leads native to have a matchless artistic talent with immense interest in fine arts. Desire of love and affection rises, and speculations turn to be beneficial.

Mars in 5th house – An intense desire to showcase talent in creativity gets higher. These natives are experts in sports with love for competitions.

Mercury in 5th house – This placement makes the native have a creative nerve. A good communicator and an interest towards writing are few attributes of people having the effect of mercury in 5th house. These natives are intelligent, creative, positive, and innovative. They love games of the brain and always participate in mind games.

Saturn in 5th house – This placement makes the person feel lost due to a lack of affection and love. Feeling unappreciated becomes frequent with this effect. These natives find it too difficult to open their hearts before anyone. Lack of romance or almost no spontaneity is often seen in their life. All and all, they look to have a cold personality.

Rahu in 5th house – The desire of being appointed at a privileged position is powerful among natives under the placement of Rahu in 5th house. These natives often make careers in theatre, politics, and literature.

Ketu in 5th house – The person with this placement in Kundali finds success in philosophy. Quick expertise in languages is observed in them. However, they are less satisfied emotionally. 

Source Link:

How Astrology Help in Right Business Selection

  If you are about to step into a business of your own, firstly, before starting the venture, check the scenario from the astrological angle as well. Business cannot be carried out by your practical ideas alone. You can make the right business selection by astrology. Examine the houses, planets, and combinations that support the business venture in your chart. It is the hora, dashamamsha, and shashtyamsha, including the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 12th houses, that give you an entirely clear picture of what is going to come your way. Each planet rules a particular area of business. It is better to study the combinations that augur well for business. 

How does a business horoscope help?

What works for you as a person, may not work for the other. So, the best business idea can be procured by understanding the astrological possibilities in your chart. Business horoscope helps you to know what suits you and what suits you not. 

Any business idea is an idea for life.  It is ideal to invest all your time, energy, and capital into a business close to your heart. Astrology tells you when and how you should start the business, but what suits you is left to you to decide. 

How do you decide if you are destined for business or not? The moment you are born, you will come under the clout of planetary confluence, and your birth chart is made. Some people commit the error of choosing business areas only as per their zodiac sign or planetary position in the horoscope. Unfortunately, they do not consider the practical aspects of running a business, insight, intent, and the circumstances.

There are many categories in business that we must carefully pick and conduct. You cannot decide whether you must continue with the management of ancestral property start your venture, solo or in partnership. The business also decides what your operational strategy should be, apart from the area of business that you need to select. This would all be as per the divine guidance from beyond. 

How to select business using horoscope/Astrology

Selecting of business is done by considering the 2nd, 7th, and 9th houses, the planets present in these houses, and whether they support the ascendant in the tenth house. 

The next step to think about is whether you do acceptably well in the chosen area of business or not. Mercury in the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th house, present in beneficial connection with the rulers of the 2nd, 9th, and 10th house, allows business success. But, if the 2nd house is afflicted, either you will not show any interest in business, or you may start a business on a small scale. Of the 2nd lord in the Lagna, the chances of starting a business at an early age are very strong. So, this is exactly how astrology pitches in to help you select business as a lifelong career. 

Does horoscope help select business partners?

Partnering is not what you excel in if the 2nd and 7th houses or rulers are afflicted. Partnership with your wife or a close friend from the opposite gender is possible if benefic Mercury, Moon, or Jupiter are found in the 7th house. You will find success in partnership business if Mercury in 2nd house or the 7th house. So, studying these aspects in a horoscope helps select a partnership business.

How to make the business selection as per date of birth? 

To each his own, and each business path is different from the other, and so are the levels of success achieved. Zodiacal signs offer the most important clue on your choice of business, and a detailed look into the business horoscope will let you know exactly what business stream you are destined to go ahead with. Here is a ready reckoner to glance over just in case you need to make business selection as per date of birth. 

An Aries native would excel in real estate, internet, wealth management, internet-based businesses, and export-import.  

Read more about: Saturn in Twelfth House

Taurus would succeed in administration, academic fields, fashion, management, and theater-linked businesses. 

Gemini’s forte would be in medical businesses, water-related products, art, textiles, and management. 

Cancer – will be proficient in chemical-related businesses, hospitality business, and the textile industry. 

Leo will be exceptional in art-related business, share market and trading, and sports. 

Virgo – Will surpass in travel and tourism and aviation businesses. 

Libra will be the best at social and general media, fashion, and cyber-crime businesses.

Scorpio – Will lead the businesses in hospitality, restaurants, property dealerships, and research. 

Sagittarius – Will outdo rivals in the furnishing business. 

Capricorn – will stand out from the rest in the real estate, minerals, and steel businesses. 

Aquarius will find success in defense and security-related businesses and import-export.

Pisces – Will be successful in the stock market, pharma, astrology, fashion, chemicals, graphic design, and internet business. 

You can conveniently use the handy tool of business horoscope if you have several choices, you are unable to choose from.  As per date of birth, business can be selected.

Source Link:

Guru Chandal Yog in Kundli – Toxic Combination of Jupiter and Rahu

According to Vedic astrology, if Jupiter is placed with Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope or has a mutual aspect relationship in a horoscope, then Guru Chandal Yoga is formed. Through this Yoga, Rahu and Ketu may cause damage to the general as well as specific significances of Jupiter in your horoscope. Guru is the name given to Jupiter in Vedic astrology, whereas Rahu and Ketu have been considered as Chandal (a very evil person) here. Hence a combination of Jupiter with Rahu or Ketu either by means of placement or by means of aspect is said to form Guru Chandal Yog in the horoscope.

Guru Chandal yoga’s impact

To calculate the impact of this yoga, the house of placement of this yoga and the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on this yoga should be checked by a Vedic Astrologer like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. The formation of Guru Chandal Yoga in various houses of a horoscope may trouble the native with different types of malefic results like problems related to health, lifespan, and profession of the native.

The formation of Guru Chandal Yoga in the seventh house of a horoscope may primarily cause problems related to the marriage. So, for the accurate prediction of this yoga, you need someone who holds astrological knowledge and can predict Guru Chandal yoga concerning different houses.

If you want to read more about guru Chandal yoga, then click on the link given in the description box.

Read About Guru Chandal Dosha in Kundli: